Enterprise News | Liangtou Group News|Two-way Empowerment for Ecosphere of Comprehensive Health! Liangtou Group Sets up A Strategic Partnership with Competitive Enterprise
Release time:2024.08.23

Win-win Cooperation· Common Development

On August 23rd, Zhang Hengbin, chairman of Baishi Health, Wen Bingfeng, chairman of Lady Li Pharmaceutical, Guo Zhijun, chairman of Kangbijian Pharmaceutical, jointly came to the Harbin Operation Center of Liangtou Group and had a fruitful official visit and exchange.

Jiang Qingtang, the group founder, Qin Sihai, Chairman of Liangtou Group and other senior executives attended the meeting. The objective is to have a discussion on a strategic partnership between groups, and jointly draw a blueprint for the integration of comprehensive health with new physical stores and AI technology. To accelerate the process of “Healthy China 2030” and “Promoting world wellness with Chinese grain”.

Build up Ecosphere of Comprehensive Health

At the meeting, Jiang Qingtang noted that over the years, Liangtou Group has followed a research approach based on evidence-based nutrition, dietary management, and food therapy and deeply explored life-cycle wellness management for consumers’ nutritional needs. Dietary nutritional and health intervention for key populations, we conduct research and development on health products. Various group products are sold to 27 countries and regions around the world, with a rich foundation.


In partnership with Baishi Health, Lady Li Pharmaceutical, and Kangbijian Pharmaceutical, we can make innovation and research breakthroughs in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Life Science, and Health R&D. Guided by traditional Chinese culture and the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Based on the theory of treating and preventing diseases, we make a layout in the global life and health field.

In this strategic negotiation, we reached a consensus on the topic of "How to enhance national nutrition and promote citizens wellness based on their respective advantages in technological innovation", opening a new era in which the four major national enterprises join hands to build a large health ecosystem.

A RMB 4 Billion Investment in Park Construction for Core Competitiveness

After the meeting, under the leadership of group chairman Qin Sihai, we visited an AI-powered smart teaching factory whose settlement is in Mulan County, Harbin City. With an RMB 4 billion investment, the factory covers an area of more than 245,000 square meters, with smart facilities and, an AI large model... With such a large-scale factory advanced planning, the three companies have further confidence in the future of cooperation with Liangtou Group.

In recent years, with the supports, Liangtou Group has held health exchange for several times, inviting leading enterprises and experts in global life and health industry to have a discussion. To promote health industry resources, and organize upstream and downstream institutions to invest in projects.

Qin Sihai states that, the priority of the next phase is to build up ecosphere of comprehensive health, including cooperation in fields such as R&D of health products, testing technology services, comprehensive health entity services, and joint talent cultivation. We aim to cover all aspects of the process and all sectors of society, to provides support for products, technologies, and services required for the development of the comprehensive health industry.


Liangtou Group believes that the growth of comprehensive health is conducive to the effective integration of improving people’s well-being and economic development, and plays a key role in making sure that people live and work in peace. We welcome enterprises and experts from all industries to communicate and cooperate to jointly contribute to the health of all human beings. 


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