Liangtou Group News| Pool Strength in the Project construction with Liangtou Speed! The Group Promotes the Construction of AI-powered Smart Teaching Factory
Release time:2024.09.19

With the construction of an AI-powered Smart Teaching Factory, the Group has made moves across the board. On September 19th, to ensure the openness to the first batch of study Tours at the end of the year, the Group had to cut down the schedule in project construction.

Workers rush to work overnight, seize hours, and grasp the progress

In this golden Autumn, the project construction is in full swing, with efficient equipment operation. The workers get their ducks in a row, work at night, and cut down the schedule. At present, the project construction of three parks of AI-powered Smart Teaching Factory is in full swing, making tangible gains.

The construction site was operated at night in an orderly manner

The directors of the project actively build a team for supervision, to enforce stricter oversight over processes such as project plans, progress, and quality. In terms of the initial blueprint of the construction, they discussed infrastructure, drainage, and waterlogging prevention. Moreover, with backup support, to meet the exact needs, the Group solves the related problems on the construction site, to ensure that the project goes smoothly.

The construction site is in full swing

In addition, the group executives paid great attention to the progress of the project and inspected the construction site several times. The group stressed that it is necessary to set the year-end goal, improve work efficiency based on ensuring safety and quality, accelerate the construction progress, and ensure the smooth progress of the project. In the next stage, the working group will continue to do a good job in project construction, actively improve the supervision system, and accomplish the objectives of project construction with the spirit of endeavor.


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