Enterprise News | Liangtou Group Has Implemented the Planning of Three Parks of AI Smart Study Factory. The First Batch of Study Group Is Expected to Opened This Year
Release time:2024.08.03

1.Intelligent study tour factory

AI Smart Study Factory of Liangtou Group is one of significant layouts of the Group’s smart strategy of new entity, a RMB 4billion investment in three parks.

The first park-Science Park covers an area of some 94,000 square meters. The second park-Production Base covers an area of some 85,000 square meters. The third park-Health Base covers an area of some 66,000 square meters.


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Since the groundbreaking ceremony on April 3rd, we adopt working mode, that is, “layout”+ “Construction” , to ensure construction period.


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2.Through planning and design schemes

On the evening of August 2nd, Jiang Zhenjun, a major shareholder of Liangtou Group held the meeting on the planning and construction of Smart AI Study Factory of Liangtou Group, and officially launched its design plan.



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Site plan

Three parks will introduce advanced AI technology and smart facilities. Therefore, we accelerate the construction of a world-class Science Park on one side. On the other side, we showcase the group's competitive strengths in product innovation, culture, ingenuity, and technological leadership. This initiative will play a pivotal role in the construction of the Harbin International Science and Technology Innovation Center, serve as a catalyst for the synergetic development of the three provinces of northeast China, and pave the way for China to assume leadership in high-quality technological innovation, and also serve as a key hub for the global innovative health network.


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3.Planning core competence

Jiang Zhenjun noted that we aim to build a novel innovation park with Chinese characteristics, featuring high industry agglomeration, proactive open innovation, robust institutional frameworks, comprehensive infrastructure and a fresh and beautiful environment. We are dedicated to leading in strategic planning, science and technology, mechanisms, and culture. Liangtou Group is going to serve as a worldwide forerunner in the pursuit of high-quality development.


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Through the implementation of the project, Liangtou Group explored a new way of IUR(Industry-University-Research), that is, market setting questions for the industry to answer. Driven by industrial needs, we carry out IUR(Industry-University-Research), build the innovative eco-system and high-quality Science Park. At present, project team has its own distinctive industry cluster in the areas, such as big data, cloud computing, artificial Intelligence, 5G, quantum information, and intelligent network.


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It is expected that at the end of 2024, Liangtou Group will launch the first batch of study group, and welcome global dealership, partners and consumers.


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