CFI Held Conference of Capital Audit, A Step forward to global market!
Release time:2024.06.18

On June 25th, CFI held conference of capital audit, to make a conclusion of the current audit, with the next audit task arrangement. Group members for company listing, representatives of capital and a lawyer from the audit studio attended the conference.

Jiang Zhenjun, the Major Shareholder of CFI, stressed that it is necessary to foster stability through making progress, based on economic supervision, with main responsibility and principal industry as its core. Accelerating overseas layout of company listing, CFI makes decisions and arrangements to go ahead and break new ground, thereby making solid advances in the CFI’s globalization. 



At the conference, representatives of capital and a lawyer from the audit studio completed the audit of 11120 dealership contracts and confirmed the authenticity, rigorousness and value.

The completion of the audit has witnessed the official documentation of compliance for dealers with signed contracts in the United States. At the same time, it serves as a major milestone in preparing for a listing on the US.



CFI plays a pivotal and indispensable role in the aggregate development of the health industries, as the backbone in the implementation of the Healthy China Initiative. Aligned with economic transformation and upgradation, CFI actively participates in the deepening of reform and opening up, to provide a solid foundation for improving people’s wellbeing. Nowadays, CFI has established a conglomerate of diverse health-related brands and a vast network of cloud franchise outlets, across 27 countries globally. 


It is widely conjectured that the infusion of exogenous assets subsequent to the listing on the US will actualize the concentration of superior resources, thereby expediting the enhancement of the Group's asset quality and profitability. In the ensuing period, this will manifest as an intrinsic growth in performance, refine the Group's industrial chain, and moreover, capitalize on the Group's industrial, product, and managerial prowess.


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