Liangtou Group News | Happiness Business School of the Group Went to Thailand to Carry out Business exchanges
Release time:2024.07.20

In order to further promote the economic and trade exchanges between Shandong and Thailand, the cooperation on key projects was deepened. From July 17th to 19th, Happiness Business School under Liangtou Group organized dealers to attend the Elite Overseas Wealth Summit in Thailand. More than 100 people attended the summit and exchanged and negotiated, and reached a number of cooperation intentions.


During their stay in Thailand, the delegation also visited a number of outstanding enterprises and well-known scenic spots in Thailand. In recent years, the Thai government has vigorously promoted the construction of industrial parks, attracting a large number of foreign enterprises to settle in. The industrial parks in Bangkok and its surrounding areas have perfect infrastructure and convenient logistics, which has become an important reason why many multinational companies choose to set up factories here.



Through this visit, the delegation of Happiness Business School of the Group not only deepened its understanding of the Thai market, but also expanded its network of contacts, laying the foundation for future China-Thailand cooperation. The Group will continue to uphold the spirit of innovation and cooperation, and actively explore cooperation opportunities between China and Thailand in the fields of smart technology and health, so as to jointly promote the economic development of the two countries.


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